LECCIÓN 6 / Advanced

The pluperfect subjunctive is simply a compound form of the imperfect subjunctive. This form is like the pluperfect indicative tense in that it refers to an action that occurred prior to another action, or prior to a specific point in time in the past. Like the imperfect subjunctive, the pluperfect subjunctive is found after verbs of emotion. In later lessons, we will also see this form used commonly in certain “if clauses” and in sentences expressing doubt or uncertainty.

Esperabas que el pelotero Yasiel Puig hubiera llegado al estadio antes de las siete.
You were hoping that the ballplayer Yasiel Puig had arrived at the stadium before seven o’clock.
You were hoping that the ballplayer Yasiel Puig had arrived at the stadium before seven o’clock.
Me alegré de que ya hubieras escuchado el disco navideño de Christina Aguilera.
I was glad that you had already listened to Christina Aguilera’s Christmas album.
I was glad that you had already listened to Christina Aguilera’s Christmas album.
Siento que nosotros no hubiéramos puesto la mesa antes de tu llegada.
I regret that we hadn’t set the table before your arrival.
I regret that we hadn’t set the table before your arrival.
¡Ojalá que yo te hubiera llamado ayer!
If only I had called you yesterday!
If only I had called you yesterday!

¡CUIDADO! Remember that an object pronoun, such as “te,” will always come before the conjugated form of “haber” in all perfect tenses.

A mis amigos les molestaba que la profesora nunca les hubiera dado una buena nota.
It bothered my friends that the teacher had
never given them a high grade.
It bothered my friends that the teacher had
never given them a high grade.
Me alegré de que los insectos no hubieran
destruido toda la cosecha.
I was happy that the insects hadn’t destroyed the entire crop.
destruido toda la cosecha.
I was happy that the insects hadn’t destroyed the entire crop.
Nos sorprendió que el paciente no se hubiera muerto.
It surprised us that the patient hadn’t died.
It surprised us that the patient hadn’t died.
Habríamos preferido que ellos no hubieran revelado el secreto.
We would have preferred that they hadn’t revealed the secret.
We would have preferred that they hadn’t revealed the secret.
Al fotógrafo cubano Albert Korda le irritaba que nunca le hubieran dado suficiente crédito por su famosa foto del Che Guevara.
It bothered the Cuban photographer Albert Korda that he had never been given enough credit for his famous photograph of Che Guevara.
It bothered the Cuban photographer Albert Korda that he had never been given enough credit for his famous photograph of Che Guevara.